Year Up United's Corporate Changemakers

Year Up United's Corporate Changemakers play a critical role in helping Year Up United close the Opportunity Divide for young adults in this country. Changemakers understand that employers must think differently about who is talented to address pervasive hiring challenges that affect their businesses. These impactful companies have demonstrated their commitment to Year Up United's mission through generous philanthropic contributions that help to create substantive systems change and professional opportunities for talented young adults.
$250K – $499K
- Regular touchpoints and access to exclusive updates, including the Investor Newsletter and the Annual Investor Call
- Dedicated partnership manager
- Logo on Corporate Changemakers spread in Annual Impact Report
- Logo on Corporate Changemakers page on Year Up United website
- Logo featured at Year Up United graduation
- Priority access to volunteer opportunities for employees
$500K – $999K
- All Advocate benefits
- Recognition in one quarterly Year Up United newsletter to supporter audience
- Opportunity to be recognized at local event(s) in company’s priority market(s) (as applicable; availability varies by market)
- Priority consideration for inclusion in/collaboration on externally facing opportunities (ex. press/media, event inclusion)
$1M – $1.99M
- All Trailblazer benefits
- Individual recognition landing page on Year Up United website highlighting partnership
- One Year Up United speaking engagement opportunity (speaking engagement type and audience vary by opportunity)
- One dedicated storytelling feature (Year Up United driven; channel & medium vary by opportunity)
- All Innovator benefits
- Priority consideration for national board seat opportunities, advisory boards, and/or local market boards in key geographies
- Tailored employee engagement/enrichment opportunity (ex. tailored volunteer experience, educational workshop, dedicated guest speaking opportunity)
- Annual Report feature with photo & partnership impact information
Interested in becoming a Corporate Changemaker?
Contact Year Up United Investor Relations at or 857.702.0204