Investing in Financial Wellness for Young Adults.

Partnership at a Glance
Prudential proudly supports Year Up United's mission to close the Opportunity Divide, both through corporate contributions and diverse hiring within Prudential. Prudential’s investments allow Year Up United to serve an increasing number of young adults through the continued evolution of its proven program model while simultaneously reducing its cost-per-student and increasing its ability to meet growing employer demand.
Impactful Initiatives
Since Prudential started partnering with Year Up United in 2019, it has doubled the number of Year Up United interns at Prudential every year. It also developed a rich onboarding process for Year Up United interns and managers. In 2021, Prudential created an alumni club for Prudential employees that were hired through Year Up United as an effort to continue supporting career journeys, professional development, and aspirations. Through 2025, Prudential is committing more than $180 million to provide Opportunity Youth around the world with the education and training needed to achieve lasting financial wellness – the largest-ever private sector investment in this group.

Year Up United's Corporate Changemakers play a critical role in helping Year Up United close the Opportunity Divide for young adults in this country. Changemakers understand that employers must think differently about who is talented to address pervasive hiring challenges that affect their businesses. These impactful companies have demonstrated their commitment to Year Up United's mission through generous philanthropic contributions that help to create substantive systems change and professional opportunities for talented young adults.